Wednesday, March 21, 2007


"A Warm Draft (Study)" ACEO can be bid on here.

That's right, T.G.I.V.E.: Thank Goodness It's Vernal Equinox. Spring, dear reader, is finally here. To ring in the new season it's sunny and mild outside and tomorrow (actually starting tonight) we get our first Spring shower.

What's more, I saw two Robins today...a sure sign that Spring is upon us. Another sure sign is that they were what I like to call "Kamikaze Robins". This always happens in Spring, the birds show up but leave their brains back in Winter. Without fail they'll hop out on the road as you're speeding along, usually when you're coming up to a bend in the road, and stand there mindlessly watching the other birds. For some this isn't a problem but I'm one of those people that will slam on the brakes to save a squirrel, screw the folks behind me that might not be paying attention. Why can't they just hop back onto the shoulder? No, no, that would be too easy. When they're not hopping out into oncoming traffic they're flying down from hydro wires to dive-bomb your vehicle. Nothing is quite so disconcerting as a bird bouncing off your windshield.
Some other birds display this behaviour as well: Cardinals, Blue Jays, Crows (which I find odd) and Orioles. The only birds I've found to be consistently stupid, regardless of season, are Grouse and Sparrows...very dumb birds.

On an art related note you should be pleased to know, dear reader, that I will probably have two WIP's next week. I don't want to make any promises but it sure is looking that way. I'm also awaiting on some other art stuff...but I'll wait to tell you more about that when everything is a bit more in place.

All Hail the Vernal Equinox!! (I just like saying Equinox)

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