Indeed, the title contains all the info you need to know to find out what today's post is about. First, because it's brief, as promised I'm providing you with a picture of the "main" gnome tree. Lots of people name their businesses (like their studio/ gallery :D) after quirky geographical features, it's just that the feature I've chosen is a bit stranger than others. So without further ado here it is:

I should note that this picture was taken at an angle and there are actually two other gnomes, a Mama gnome and baby gnome, hiding behind branches. They were painted by my "adopted Mom" years ago and have lived in the tree ever since. I've been collecting rocks from the old stone fences on the property and I plan on expanding the little gnome family this Spring. Aren't you glad you know all of this?
Now, as for the second topic, VanGogh. I haven't actually been doing any of my own research but rather have been reading up on what other people have discovered and what they've been working on. If you too were wondering what other artists have been up with this project I highly recommend checking out the following links to other artist's blogs (and if nothing else just to see some more good artwork!):
Making a Mark
Greywaren Art
Wendy Prior
Nicole Caulfield
Gayle Mason
Casey Klahn
Have Dogs Will Travel
If you're involved in this project and have been to shy to let anyone else know here's your chance to let the cat out of the bag, so to speak. Drop me a line either via email or leave a comment and let me know what your blog address is and I'll add you to the list.
Now, for our final installment, colour. This is related to VanGogh, of course! Remember that horse WIP in posted a few days ago? Well, as it happens it's on the cusp of being done and I'm quite pleased with the (almost) outcome. I didn't do as much complimentary colour combining (try saying that 5 times fast) as I would've thought but all in all I think where I have done it, it works. I expect to finish it up tonight or tomorrow (fridays are cleaning day, ick) and I'll post it on Monday or tomorrow if I'm feeling really cheeky.
I'll chalk this one up as the first work for this project although it was rather unintentional since I didn't have the intentions of doing a horse for the subject matter. I'm still bent on doing a landscape and I've narrowed it down to a few that I have ref pics of. That said, I want to do more sketching to try and force myself to not be so slavish to the reference pic. Improvisation can be a good thing, especially when it comes to art!
Now, where is my lime green vaccuum...
Hi Rita. I found you via the Van Gogh project. I'm working on a sunflower set-up, and am finding your observations on Van Gogh quite amusing. Looking forward to seeing your project piece-
Lisa B.
see mine here:
Hi Lisa,
VanGogh was a quirky fellow so while I could take him in the utmost seriousness (and I think enough people are doing that already) I'd like to have fun with it. Besides which, it's always fun to look at those who moon the quid pro quo.
The man took himself way to seriously anyway I think if he'd just lightened up a bit (and laid off the absinthe and paint eating) maybe he would've lived long enough to see his own success. Alas, the trials and tribulations of being an artist...
I'll be sure to add you to the list of participants!
Grateful for shharing this
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