Friday, October 05, 2007

Long week-end amusement

"Empirical Trio" ACEO can be bid on here.
Copyright Rita Woodburne

Happy Friday, dear reader!

So here I am, sitting here watching the tumbleweeds roll by. Actually, there's no tumbleweeds, but it's unusually quiet this afternoon which is odd considering that it's a long week-end for us Canucks. You see, it's our Thanksgiving long week-end and you know what that means? Time for me to set the oven on fire again. If you'll recall from last year, it was my first time cooking a turkey and while there was no incident during the actual cooking of the turkey, I did manage to start a small fire while cleaning the oven the next day. Far be it from me to isolate exciting cooking activities to one day.

Potential housefires aside (my insurance is paid up) I do enjoy holidays like this that involve lavish dinner spreads and the potential to eat so much that you still feel full the following day. There's just an overall relaxed feeling to the whole week-end and that promise of an extra day to indulge in lazy behaviour (as a result of Turkey Syndrome, of course) just makes one giddy with...well, giddiness.

For me it means finding nonsensical ways to amuse myself, as if I don't do that enough already. There was a post I did sometime last year (I tried to find it but got lazy) about Avon samples not being the most entertaining way to amuse oneself on a Friday afternoon. Today at lunch I had a memory lapse as I was flipping through the Avon catalogue. I came across one of those "rub your wrist here" pages that promise you a scent that will whisk you away to olfactory paradise. Not being one for perfume (I go into convulsive sneezing fits in the perfume section of department stores) I paused for a moment. Then I did it. I rubbed my wrist on the page. Then I sneezed into my soup.

It was a messy ordeal to say the least but I recalled my wisdom of not succumbing to the temptations of free samples in Avon catalogues...unfortunately my revelation came to me about 30 seconds too late. Now I have this scent, the name of which I can't even recall, permanently etched into the cavities of my nose. I suspect the only thing that will rid me of this odour is the delightful aroma of a well-basted turkey. Good thing it's the Thanksgiving week-end, eh?

Have a super week-end and our regularly scheduled programming will resume on Tuesday!

PS- I opened an eBay store so if you want to check it out you can...right here.


Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Eat some turkey for me. :D

Rita said...

Thanks Meg! I think I ate enough turkey for you, me and a small nation. It was excellent...and I'd do it again! :p