Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Rested and Full

"Complimentary Collection" ACEO can be bid on here.
Copyright Rita Woodburne

"Pumpkin Protector" ACEO can be bid on here.
Copyright Rita Woodburne

The long week-end is over and now it's time to get back to reality. The week-end was nice and I ate too much turkey and stuffing. I did no art whatsoever, so I'm itching to get busy again which is good because I have a few commissions that really need to be finished up. I also have a large (16x20, that's huge for cp...I mean HUGE) piece that I'd like to get wrapped up by the end of this coming week-end.
It's funny because I thought that October would be a fairly quiet/ relaxed month for me considering that I don't have any shows that I'm participating in. As per usual, I was wrong. I suppose, though, that's it's much better to have lots of work than nothing at all, right?

In other art related news, I'm getting the urge to break out the oil paints again. Like the whole still-life thing, there seems to be something about Fall that makes me want to paint as well. Maybe it's the colours of the season, maybe it's the desire to cut loose and smoosh paint on the canvas or maybe it's the possibility of getting a bit tipsy off the turpentine fumes...who can say? I've started looking over my slew of reference pics to see if there's anything that grabs my eye. If I can't find anything I'll probably pick a day this week to go out with my camera and just start snapping away. So stay tuned, dear reader, since there might be a few oil paintings popping up on this blog in the near future.

With that in mind I'd better get back to working on art. After all, the paper and canvas aren't going to fill themselves now are they?


Jennifer Rose said...

Good luck with the oil paints. Looking forward to you posting them :) I could never get use to the long drying times, I hated having to wait.

Rita said...

I haven't oil painted in a good long while, so I'm going to need all the luck I can get!
My painting style is pretty different than my drawing style and I work pretty thick with the paints. Dry or not, that paint is hitting the canvas!:p