Thursday, September 27, 2007

Apples, and did that machine just do what I think it did?

"Cortland Drama" ACEO...travelling to Applefest in Brighton!
Copyright Rita Woodburne

Look! I finished another apple ACEO! It would seem that apples have been a source of great learning and frustration for me this past week. I know, some people lament over war, death, the economy, homelessness, crime rates... and then there's me who's biggest dilema is how to get a good photo of a Paula Red apple. Or which of the 10 shades of red would be appropriate for capturing the light from under a Cortland.
Apple induced insantity... the most dangerous kind, I can assure you.

Anyhoo, today's post is going to be a shortie because I still have two more apple ACEO's to do (I know, I'm a glutton for punishment) and I have two larger pieces that I'd really like to have done for the show this week-end. It also occured to me this morning that next month I'll really need to hustle and get some more works done, as well as commissions, because I have another show in November and I'm also going to be a feature artist at the Quinte Arts Council Gallery for November and December. Do you think I have enough pieces to pull this off? Probably not.

Along somewhat related lines, the other day I had to go to the bank and get some money for various sundries. Beginning professional artists, as you may or may not know, don't have a whole lot of money to spend which makes any type of purchase a not-so-joyous event. So as I was saying, the other day I went to the bank to get some money. After I put my info into the ATM I took a deep breath and entered the amount I wanted to take out. I hit 'OK' and as the money came out of the machine I'm almost positive I heard the ATM laughing at me. I could be wrong...but I doubt it.

On that note, here's to hoping for a successful week-end and I'll be back next week!


Jennifer Rose said...

Those are all really nice apple ACEOs and should do really well :)

Well, at least the machine gave you back your card. And it was probably laughing at you, damn banks (unless there was a person standing behind you...which would just have been creepy...).

Rita said...

Thanks Jennifer!

I don't think there was a person behind me, and since technology is taking over our lives it really wouldn't surprise me if it was the machine mocking me. :p