The day began when the rug in my living room caught fire. Well, not full blown blazing inferno, per se, but it was smoking. It would seem a renegade ember from the fireplace escaped when I wasn't looking and placed itself on the closest flammable thing it could find. I wouldn't have known it was there either except for the most hideous odour that comes from a smouldering oriental carpet. "Ick" I think was the word I was looking for but it wasn't the word I said. The day has continued to unfold with the cat knocking a handmade vase off the dining room hutch that was given to the other half and I from my Grandmother and later in the day I found an odd concoction of dog slobber and horse poop on my pant leg. And here I thought I was going to be able to avoid disgusting stories...
Anyway, on to more interesting things, namely VanGogh. If you'll recall I set Friday as the deadline for deciding what I'm going to do for this project. Friday has come and gone, hasn't it? It was late last night that I decided to do a landscape. If I have time I may do a portrait but I suspect that if I have free time I may just churn out another landscape. Big skies and open spaces are calling.
I don't have any new art to show today, I have a whole slew of sketches I'll be posting on Monday, and instead I'd like to share a coupke of VanGogh landscapes that I find most interesting to look at. This may give you an idea of where I'm going with my ideas.
It's fair to say that VanGogh's landscapes are engaging, colourful and just downright interesting to look at. Part of the reason I like his pieces is because of the linework and perspective that he employs. Although I've never really focused of perspective in my works (that is to say I've never been really conscious of it when I'm working) I do enjoy using linework to create movement and flow within my work when it calls for it.
I certainly don't use it with the same drama that VanGogh does but maybe this project will encourage me to be a bit bolder. I'm also hoping that this project will push me into being more aware of perspective.
I enjoy all of his landscapes but one of my most favorite VanGogh landscapes is "Edge of a Wheatfield With Poppies and a Lark", found below:

One of my other favorites is "Red Vineyard" which is the only painting that VanGogh sold in his lifetime.
So the sketches I'll be posting will be landscapes and hoepfully one of them will set something off in me that will compell me to break out the bold colours and have at it. Anxious to find out more? Me too!
Gee Rita hopefully the next day is a much better one.
With many blogs studying VanGosh I am learning a lot myself even though I am not involved. I always knew who the man was but know very little about him as an artist and draftsman. One thing I am embarrassed to say is that I never knew he sold only one painting until I read it here.
The odd thing about all this is I had a visitor from a search engine to my blog yesterday. I have no idea how my blog came up as the search was "History of" Vincent Van gosh"". Perhaps someone is trying to tell me something as I have never written a post about the man...wink!
Edit here...... Yikes...I did mention his name in a thread......mmmmm perhaps it is me feeling guilty that I have never studied his work. :blush:
Susan, VanGogh (his work and his person) is near and dear to me, a point I may make subject in another post. I always find it interesting how much his work influences people without them realizing it...he was subtle without being subtle...y'know, the whole eating paint and cutting off his ear lobe, kind of hard to ignore.
Hey, join in on this project if you want, it's never too late! I'd love to see some of your work being that would be interesting!
PS- I'm a closet pastellist, I love your work, I must admit!
Thanks Rita for inviting me to the project but think I have already enough on my plate to cope with. In the early days when I became aware of it, I did consider seriously about joining in. :)
Thanks for your kind words about my own pastel work.
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